Heli-fishing is a unique, memorable and an often exciting experience but the thrill of fishing from rocks in otherwise hard to reach locations comes with some risk.  In the interest of your own safety and those fishing with you, Heletranz asks that you please take a few moments to read this document that highlights some of the hazards that may be encountered on your heli-fishing experience.


Your pilot has considerable heli-fishing experience, is aware of likely hazards, is trained in first aid and the helicopter carries a first aid kit for minor injuries.  Possible hazards include;


Pre-existing Medical Conditions.

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions – especially any associated with balance, then please make these known to the pilot or receptionist before departure.

Uneven surfaces.

All rock surfaces are uneven especially around the water line.  Plant material might hide holes that may result in a twisted ankle or create slip hazards resulting in falls.

Slippery surfaces.

Please take care when moving about.  Wet surfaces may be slippery and falls can result in cuts, abrasions or in worst case, broken limbs.

Over balance – especially when casting lines.

Please ensure that your feet are firmly planted and that you remain balance while casting.

Landing fish

Retrieving and/or netting fish is possibly the most hazardous operation.

Slippery surfaces, over balance and unexpected wave motion can result in falling, falling related injuries or toppling into the water.

Fish hooks

Hook injuries can occur during baiting, casting or while removing hooks from caught fist.  If you become hooked, please call the pilot who is trained in hook extraction (if required) and first aid.


Should an emergency occur that is unable to be dealt with at the scene, the pilot is authorised to cancel the heli-fishing trip and evacuate the injured person to the closest medical care by the fastest means possible.

If in doubt concerning any issue, please ask your pilot.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and Heletranz wishes you a successful and safe heli-fishing experience.


Grant Andrew

Safety and Quality Assurance Manager